
вівторок, 5 лютого 2013 р.

Confucianism Chutes and Ladders Rules

Confucianism Chutes                  and Ladders Rules
1.   Pick a player out of the four players displayed.
2.   Put your player at start with the other players.
3.   Pick the top card of the cards and answer the question, if the question is answered correctly you may move the number of spaces said at the bottom of the card, if the question is not answered correctly your figure cannot move.
4.   If you land on a space with a ladder you must move to the top of the ladder, if you land on space with a slide you must slide to the bottom of the slide space.
5.   Follow the arrows to move up the board to the space that says finish.
6.   Whatever figure lands on finish first wins the game of Confucianism chutes and ladders.

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